
Yeah, Ray just vanished, didn't he? The rim shot bits were hysterical.

I was a little disappointed with how this season wrapped up.
Too much Barry the murderbot.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of the Hannibal TV series when Archer and company stumbled upon Trexler seated at the dining room table surrounded by dead henchmen posed like statues.

Groot's dance routine during the opening credits sold me.

Yeah, they're firing out lots of riffs back to back aren't they?
It's a little distracting for me; sometimes less is more works better.
But I still like this new incarnation of MST3K. There have been lots of laugh out loud riffs in the first few episodes I have seen.

Great season premiere. Hopefully other semi regular and obscure characters will be making cameos in Archer's dream.

Jenna is really racking up a list of one season wonders..

Great movie!

Also, you rarely saw the actual show the 30 Rock gang was working on. Studio 60 showed us some sketches from their fake SNL show, but they weren't that good. 30 Rock focused on the backstage stuff, which was funny.

I'm surprised Rory's poor ol' Yale pal Marty didn't make a return so she could crush his spirit again.

Keyboardist sick, decided to cancel remaining shows.
Got it.

DDD just blew through my town filming at two local eateries. One is an Italian deli/market that isn't really a sit down restaurant, but their food is great. Guy gets a lot of flack but I like the show. It showcases hard working people and the things they create. And a lot of what these people make looks really damn

So I guess they can put Jared down as a NO for recording any DVD commentary..

Sweet. Looking forward to Mothra on Thursday.

Very cool that Bill and Mary Jo are returning to the show as writers. I hope this means they aren't leaving Rifftrax..

Kirk's toast to "absent friends" - Star Trek 3? Or Star Trek Nemesis?

That's right.

Saw Star Trek Beyond this morning and enjoyed it a lot. But…
What happened to Carol Marcus (Alice Eve)?
Last time we saw her she was on the bridge with Jim and the rest of the crew ready for the big 5 year mission, now ST:B comes along and she's gone.
Same thing happened to Carol Marcus in the Original Series movies: In

Well Peggy, your niece committed treason for helping Steve escape so she's probably in jail now. The tramp.

Yes! I remember that. My God that show was depressing. LOL.

Cheryl's "Who's Ellis Crane?" in the middle of one scene was hysterical. Classic Cheryl not knowing what the Hell is going on but she's not going to miss out on the action.
The fact that everyone around Cheryl ignored her question and kept talking was great too.