
Love the opening sequence. Watchmen is the most underrated of the "comic book" movies as far as I'm concerned

The pastels… The neon…


Nice touch having Helen Slater and Dean Cain aboard.

Astronaut Manly McCastaway
Agent How come Simmons gets her own damn episode?


Ah. I missed that. Thank you!

Agent Treadmill Labtech
Agent Didn't He Used To Be Brain Damaged?
Director You Keep Questioning My Decisions Daisy and I Will Show You What the Laser Finger Does!

So Ward had his "new Hydra" goons follow Andrew around on the off chance that he could use Andrew as a hostage so Ward could escape from a SHIELD attack?

That's good news. Too bad Edward Hermann passed away last year. I guess his death will be written into the show.

The Star Wars on made my day.

Playboy TV will follow suit and feature nothing but reruns of Two and a Half Men.

Agent Sexy McTanktop
Agent Rogue Monolith Shouter
Agent Maybe Backbysweeps

What was so great about the scene was Coulson was totally calm and cool even though Rosiland and her team got the drop on him and Hunter. He acted as if knew he was going to escape her trap, and he did. Coulson is the epitome of grace under pressure.

The Penguin and his crime syndicate were MIA in this episode. I wonder if the Maniax are going to try to take on the Penguin too?

When Ty Burrell started making beeping noises as Jay held him up to look on the shelves for napkin rings I lost it. They must have had fun trying to come up with different physical gags for the Phil robot.

Great voice cast. Wasn't that impressed with the pilot though. I'll have to watch it again.

Now I want an Archer meets Hannibal crossover episode.

Maybe if they handed out awards to artists other than Taylor Swift viewers might cone back.

I get it! It's because the Oscar is shaped like a penis…
That's gold, Jerry!