
Thinking the same thing. LOL.

Now I understand Kanye.
Beyoncé deserves all the praise and awards because she's Beyoncé.
Makes perfect sense.

The last time we saw Sonia I thought she was going to stay in America to get away from her controlling Mother?

Kanye is doing this to make his beloved wife Beyoncé jealous.
I mean Kim Kardashian!

That's right. I forgot about that.
Sorry Bey..

Of course Beyoncé, Jay Z and other artists could publically denounce Kanye's childish tantrum and give props to Beck, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

She's an amazing cleavage.
Actress! I meant to say actress.

I hope John Glover comes back. Always a pleasure to see him pop up on a show.

I hope they have Lucy back on next weekend. So we can see if she took Mitch's advice and is showing less cleavage. Perhaps ABC can give her a spinoff show…

I wish they would give up the practice of "leaking" the ads the week of the game. Half the fun of SuperBowl ads is being surprised.

Did anyone else notice that Howard Stark invented the selfie in this episode?

You're right. Why did I underestimate him?

What was really amazing is that Ron was able to leave the Parks Department and in a few months start a construction company big enough to handle a project the size of Morningstar.

Go back to television Jen.

"Survey Says!"
Hunter Gathers is awesome. Shame the couldn't find room for Pete White, one of my favorite characters.
The epilogue was fantastic. Nearly fell off my chair when the Captain started that first verse of that damn Crash Test Dummies song.

I need that boxing glove device.

Hmm. You may have something there.

Bonus feature for the Parks and Rec season 7 DVD - a full episode of The Johnny Karate Show.

The subway system in New Yorkdoes have elevated trains, but in all the years I lived in NYC I never heard anyone refer to one as an "L." Carter and Jarvis investigate the missing milk truck which is driven by a guy who lives in New Jersey.

Nice pick up. Totally missed that.