
After all the work she did saving the world alongside Captain America, I was hoping Miss Carter would have gotten a better post war assignment. Who did she piss off to wind up in New York City working with the He-Man Woman Hater's Club?

Poor Barbara.
Her ex junkie girlfriend dumps her only because she wants to remain clean and sober.
Some people are all about themselves, amiright?

Agent I need to rethink this relationship.
Agent Maybe the girl with May's face will go out with me.
Agent Women! Am I right?

So you wanted him out of the Star Wars business, now you're mad because he isn't on top of what is going on with Star Wars.

Seth MacFarlane as Harold Hill. He's got the voice, and his haters will come out in droves to watch the show.

Didn't watch it. I saw the Rifftrax crew riff a bad Mexican Santa Claus movie at a local theater. From what I heard about Peter Pan, I got the better end of the deal.

Agent Stubly Skyejacker

So nice to see Patton Oswalt back on the show - and doing field work. Please let there be more Koenigs tucked away somewhere!
I hope Coulson calls a team meeting and says "Hey guys, one thing.. When you have Raina in custody, DON'T TELL HER OUR PLANS! Because as you know she tends to use that stuff against us.

He's the male Jenna Elfman!

Can't believe I have to wait a whole year. I'm so psyched!

Michael Caine's Alfred mentioned his military past in The Dark Knight, so its cool that Gotham's Alfred has what appears to be a similar backstory. He definitely has a particular set of skills. Perhaps he worked for MI6 before becoming a butler..

Gordon seems to have gotten over her.

Oh boy! Another show dealing with social media! Maybe John Cho can star in it. He's looking for work now.

Agent Sibling Welldigger
I too think there was a lost opportunity for the show to delve further into Ward's craziness by meeting his monstrous parents.

Agent Boomer Aisleseat.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine did the impossible: they made me watch and enjoy a performance by Eva Longoria.

Santa must have gotten my letter!!!

Too bad a news helicopter wasn't there to film his high speed getaway.

Too bad. I was starting to enjoy the show.
Does this mean John Cho can go back to Sleepy Hollow?