
The snubbing of that entire cast, especially Nick Offerman is a travesty.

Next year do the same bit but put a male actor up there in the interest of fair play.

I don't know why they ignore Amy come Emmy time. She's at all the award shows, she's funny and quick witted, why don't they give her a break?

Jim Parsons and Julia Louis-Dreyfus again?
Same with Modern Family. I like the show, but Brooklyn Nine-nine was outstanding. They need new names on the ballots.

I watched all the gifs today. I think I saw the exact moment when Jennifer Lopez realized she's in her 40's and still showing up for this shit.

If this goes to trial I hope the no nonsense judge from the Basic Talk TV ads is presiding over the case.
You are out of order! Wastin' my time…

Can we skip the formalities and give Cranston a trophy now for this?

Will this satire tag apply to Stats Updates? Many of my facebook friends believe the bullshit I post there is true.

Hopefully we will soon be treated to a great scene where Stahma, having learned of the plot to break up her son's marriage takes the scheming Dierdre aside, calmly explains her displeasure, and then dispatches Dierdre in a very unique and gruesome manner.

Craig is going to be replaced by a hologram of a young Philip Seymour Hoffman?

The movie was lots of fun. Looking forward to the sequel.

Four years? Hell, just reboot it again!

One of the greats. He will be missed.

Looks like a pretty good thriller, but it bares little resemblance to the show, which I loved.

Jack will survive. He's been outsmarted, beaten and severly wounded by someone he once liked, and his wife will be dead. A great chance for Fishburne to have some great scenes dealing with all that has went down.
Will is going to make it. Alana too. Abigail is done.

So good to see Norm.

Agent Mute Limpsaround!

Great episode. The banter between Fury and Coulson is exactly what the show needs - HUMOR! They have to inject more fun into season two.
I do hope the changes in the story (Coulson now director of Shield 2.0) will be mentioned in the next Avengers movie.
Great to see Patton Oswalt back. I sure hope he's a semi regular

On with the countdown.

The dog works for Reddington.