
I guess the AV Club writers are still cranky that Community was canceled. Plot holes and all, I really enjoyed the first season of The Blacklist. Red Reddington is the villain the current James Bond franchise should have.

The Batcave has looked better.

Back to Eric's basement Hyde.

The Onion AV Club writers will be holding a candlelight vigil outside NBC studios tonight at 11PM.

I'm not a comic book collector but I know if I had a book that valuable it would be in a sealed, carded bag. In a safe!

The file cabinet bit plus Coulson and Triplett geeking out on the vintage spy gadgets really made the episode. They need to have more fun moments like that in season 2.

Are we still supposed to be rooting for Frankie? She's always been kind of lazy, but this is just ridiculous. If the writers think it's cute that she's completely incompetent and doesn't care…they're wrong.
Thank you!

Agent Fibber Copkicker!

With so many Tony Stark/Iron Man character references in this episode I'm hoping this means they are laying the groundwork for a cameo by Robert Downey Jr.

I almost forgot:
The Hub, That 70's Show
The Pizza Bowl, Laverne and Shirley
Arnold's, Happy Days
Kelsey's - Later Archie's Place, All in the Family

Quarks bar is a good choice! I too went to the Quarks at the Star Trek experience in Vegas. My buddy and I tried a bunch of the themed cocktails - all loaded with liquor and energy drinks. We left there wired and wasted.

Haven't been that blown away by the last minute of a season finale in a long time. SO glad Ron got the third floor done in time.

I think a character like Maude Finday represents the dark side of feminism - her self righteous "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude often put her at odds with the other characters on the show. Remember, even though she was the polar opposite of Archie Bunker when it came to politics, her inability to see things in

It bugs me that Tessa quite often lets Dalia have the upper hand or lets Dalia off the hook for her monstrous behavior. Sure, Tessa is a better person and has actual feelings, like guilt and honor, but Dalia is never going to change, even though they try every once in a while to make her appear human. Remember last

A trip all the way to Australia only merits a 30 minute episode?

Yes! Clones!

Yes, Agent Broody Maybanger.

Damn I hate Ward.

Hannibal played this one perfectly. Brainwashing Miriam into thinking Chilton was her captor and then immediately killing him before Chilton could be thoroughly interrogated and offer up any defense or any alibi.

Was I the only one who thought the commercials were actual 80s ads? They were spot on.