
You... you mean sexual harassment prevention training... r-right?

How are the rewrites for The Negron Complex coming along, Paul?

On the one hand, I keep having to tell DC fans that I don’t want their movies to fail, that I actually want a good Batman, a good Superman movie.

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

Exactly, even the two worst MCU movies(Iron Man 2 and Thor 2) are watchable and enjoyable. I’d sit both of them 10 times over slogging through BvS or SS a second time

Nice! Yeah, also probably scanning for marriageable Jewish men in the area, fancy law firms looking for young attorneys, and a West Coast replacement for Audra Levine.

I struggle with depression and anxiety myself, have done so for the most part of my life. This was so hard to watch. Very well-done, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It hit so close to home.

How dare the bad guy attempt to destroy Black Bolt’s slave plantation! I, for one, am relieved he’s been imprisoned for life without trial.

I teehee’d at practically everything Maximus said to Black Bolt in the first few minutes of the episode. As much as a show like this could ever have a “best” character, it was easily Maximus.

Due to mass disqualifications across the board, this year’s winner in all categories is...The Emoji Movie!

Mindhunter theme from Mr. Peanutbutter?

Ford’s flights of literary fancy

I’m not a Fincher fan but I’m a huge Zodiac fan (easily his best work, and it isn’t close), so I have a feeling this show will appeal to me.

It would help if people would stop using Rotten Tomatoes and use Metacritic, which I think provides what people actually want from Rotten Tomatoes (i.e. a metric that determines how good the critical community thinks the movie is).

WB’s gonna be pissed when Disney puts out a second Last Jedi trailer later today.

Who? In other news, behold a kitten sitting on a laptop:

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

My girlfriend, whose mom is pretty similar to Beatrice, saw that moment as less “Bojack being kind to his mother in her final days,” and more “Bojack caving in and performing for his mother thus fulfilling the role she has assigned him.” It’s an interesting take.

“Can you taste the ice cream, Mom?” “Oh Bojack. It’s so.. delicious”. I was prepared for this episode to end with Bojack saying or doing something awful to his mother, because that’s what Bojack always does, but for him to show kindness? To put his lifetime of justified grievances with his mother behind him to give a