Tjardus Greidanus

Was it really necessary to clarify that Greedo is "the bounty hunter from Star Wars?" I mean, is this still the AV Club or what?

I am shocked, SHOCKED, to learn that this guy didn't also compose the Night Court theme.

This trailer has played before the last five or six movies I've seen in theaters, and I can almost recite it word-for-word now. It makes me furious that my dumb brain retains this piece of crap but not, y'know, poetry or something.

Is that from 101 Wacky Jihadists' Jokes?

Who knew the boorish and uncouth Irish contained such multitudes?

Well he was trying to be a smartass, but he's also very stupid, so both.

"Where Everybody Blows You Away"

Once, in college, my idiot friend ordered an "Irish car bomb" from an Irish bartender at an Irish pub, which was filled with Irish customers.

The original one from the 80s. It was a real slog. The kids were mostly awful, but I did love the little asshole who played Isaac. I believe he was like 25 at the time and he had Andy Milonakis Syndrome. He just hammed it up to a delightful degree.

Haven't seen Honeymoon, but I thought Resolution was fucking amazing. I don't think it's for everybody though. It's like Cabin in the Woods but denser, smarter, and way less fun.

The Tolerability Index

To be fair, I had it on in the background while I was doing other things.

Letting it ride until something embarrassing:

Upvoted for Robert Glasper


Just finished Peter Straub's Ghost Story. What a fantastic, creepy book. Beautifully written, too.

Wow, you aren't kidding!

Abolish the Emmys and melt down the awards to fund better television.

Weirdest and most shameful celebrity crush is probably young Leila Khaled, the PLO hijacker. I think it's a weird Larry David thing, where—as a Jewish guy—I know she'd probably hate me, and I find that kind of hot.

As far as conservative pundits go, she could be a lot worse. She's like a 13-year-old boy's idea of a hot librarian, in the best possible way.