Tjardus Greidanus

Princess Mononoke became something of a weird relationship litmus test for me for some reason. It's one of my favorite movies and I've just happened to watch it with a lot of my ex-girlfriends. The ones who were ambivalent or thought it was boring didn't last, and the one who loved it is sticking around.

I love this show so much. I'm a few episodes behind this season, and it's interesting talking to my mom about it (who has, admittedly, only caught it a few times). As a baby boomer, she seems to be undergoing a genuine crisis over whether or not it's "okay" to "root" for the commies. This is a conflict she's never

Don't get bent out of shape.

Saratoga is a wonderful, picturesque town, of which I have many fond memories. Sarasota is a humid parking lot slicked in oil and KY Jelly.

Last time I watched Blade Runner, I was struck by how great the special effects still look, especially when so many of its contemporaries haven't aged nearly as well. It's like Jurassic Park in that sense.

He's a smug prick. He couches his entire lousy act in being overtly offensive, with this "sorry-you-can't-handle-my-politically-incorrect-realness" bullshit that I can't stand.


Chris D'Elia is a loathsome shitbag and I refuse to support anything he's tainted.

A female Bond? Childhood raped, etc.

You're Breaking Your Poor Mother's Heart, Internet

What's so starry about war anyway?

Yeah, exactly. On paper, I'm a big fan of everything Night Vale is trying to do, but in practice it's just so lame. People always talk about the its incredible "mythology," but that basically consists of a bunch of shitty, half-baked ideas thrown together to form some vague semblance of a narrative.

I loved it when I first listened to it, but I quickly found it very irritating. It's just a little too precious for its own good.

It's helping keep the concept of reading free!

Hey, I'm already paying $15 for a goddamn movie ticket. At some point, getting screwed over is greeted with a certain dead-eyed acceptance.

It would be great if Harvey Keitel had to infiltrate a Carnival float by dressing up in one of those big feathery headdresses and pretending to be a woman.

Saw It Follows last night. Maika Monroe is just fantastic in it, and even if The Guest isn't strictly horror, she's definitely carved out a niche for herself as a John-Carpenter-throwback-queen, which is about as niche as you can get.

I particularly enjoyed his interview with David Lynch. Two weirdos in a room together, acting weird.

That's a really good doc. Can't recommend it enough for people who are into that kind of thing.

At least Hitchens had the balls to go through with it and admit that, yes, it was torture.