Tjardus Greidanus

Wow. It looks like the quality of that CGI rivals that of a porn parody.

I'm sure God can find somebody.

The Crystal Cathedral sounds much cooler than it actually is.

It's kind of a glorious mess, though. The image of David Bowie, singing and dancing with a bunch of Muppets and an enormous bulge is pure movie magic.

I'm partial to Don't Look Now myself.

Oh look, it's the Thin White Douche.

The Iron Bank of Nelnet does not forgive delinquents.

So with Alex Ross Perry writing the script, I can only assume that Winnie the Pooh will just be horrible to all of his friends and eventually alienate everyone who loves him, culminating in lots of weird sex stuff?

*Justin Guarini throws a change of clothes into an overnight bag; books it for the border*

Well, I don't remember any scenes in The Lego Movie where the main characters just summarized "classic 80s video games."


Yeah I don't think a glossary would have hurt the story. That's always a hard balance to strike and any more exposition like that would have felt clumsy.

Chin up, you guys.

"Sweet Tea-motion"

I borrowed Ready Player One from my girlfriend (after vowing never to read it last week; whatever, I contain multitudes). I don't hate it as much as I expected, but holy crap is it pleased with itself. You can tell that Ernest Cline just had the most irritating little smirk on his face the whole time he was writing it.

Are you liking it? I was a pretty big fan, if only because his vision of the future is just so cool and unique.

Congrats on the jobs, Ricky.

Peter Dinklage hula-hooping.

My dad showed me The Shining when I was like 7 and I was terrified for weeks. Having said that, I genuinely believe that scaring children is good. Builds character.

Nice! Very curious to see Girl Walks Home, I've heard mixed things.