Tjardus Greidanus


Childhood's had a rough go of it recently, huh?

We Need to Have a Serious Discussion About Your Future, Internet

Kevin Smith deserves a little treat for himself.

It's been said over and over again, but good lord, Annie Clark is just inhumanly beautiful. She's like a sorceress or something.

Why are you guys breathlessly reporting every bit of news about this show?

It's okay, the new theme "Ladies be Bustin' (Love Theme from Ghostbusters)" will be just as instructional


He better not fucking touch "Savin' the Day"

"Macho Man" Randy Dinklage

We got a regular Gene Shalit over here!

Based on that picture, I can only assume that The Cobbler is about Adam Sandler as a mad scientist trying to transform himself into an unholy half-man/half-lobster abomination.

Nightcrawler is basically Taxi Driver for the West Coast. Travis Bickle and Lou Bloom are both nocturnal misanthropes, but where Bickle reacts to the sleaziness of NYC by becoming violent and withdrawn, Lou Bloom exploits and embraces it, in a very LA-kind-of-way.

Oh Liz Hurley. How far you've fallen from the soaring heights of Bedazzled.

#9 could also apply to Mean Streets, Goodfellas, The Departed, or Gangs of New York.

I quite like the idea of Robert Z'Dar assessing the character of everyone he meets based on the size of their face.

Get Robert Z'Dar, Jeffrey Combs, and Linnea Quigley in there and I'll see it.

I wonder if this will cover Mike's brutal rape of a teenager that everyone seems to have forgotten about.

Leslie Jones and the (apparently) misguided tone are what irk me.

My dignity was ruined by Rickles