Tjardus Greidanus

My favorite part of this movie was when Tom Cruise gave a young Michael Shannon tickets to Wrestlemania and then got disemboweled by an alien.

"Undeterred, Williams pitched CBS CEO Les Moonves about succeeding David Letterman, according to a high-level source, but Moonves wasn’t interested."

I've seen a lot of take downs of The Babadook saying that it lacks subtlety and bangs you over the head with the metaphor, and I think that kind of goes hand-in-hand with what you're talking about. Certain people have ascribed a sort of "indie superiority" to it, as if it's supposed to "rise above" other horror films,

I do watch a lot of horror movies and I found The Babadook extremely effective. I'm curious, what is the scariest movie you've ever seen?

I mean, if that's your main qualm with the genre, I'd say you're not watching the right horror movies.

I'm not sure if you understand how movies work.

So much of that is due to how Dan Stevens plays the character. He's just hilariously creepy and weird, and he does a really great job.

I love how this is a kid's show that managed to get away with being unbelievably, gleefully violent, just by having Jack's enemies be giant robot bugs and shape-shifting demons. Very clever, Tartakovsky.

I said this here before, but I think the reason The Conjuring gets such praise is because it's pretty good compared to most other mainstream, wide-release horror films coming out these days. It's not a great movie, but it's better than, say, Ouija or whatever.


Time travelers HATE that trick

Yeah they're a tough union, but they're good guys for the most part.

As an assassin/bounty hunter myself, Tony Scott's classic film Domino perfectly captures what it's like to walk a mile in my shoes.

83. Tom Skerritt's mustache can be seen crawling away in certain shots.

Sam Strike and Kit Harrington should team up and solve a mystery together.

Usually I have to pay guys in Midtown for the privilege of listening to their mixtapes.

Pirates of the Carribbean 6: Mission to Moscow

Ah, but not if you used a notebook or backpack to conceal said boners. Who could have ever guessed that behind your improvised forcefield hides a shameful, erect secret?

So does this constitute "childhood rape" or what? Reddit seems undecided.

Presumably that comment is about boners?