Tjardus Greidanus

The A.V. Club

You'd think the man who single-handedly reunited East and West Germany and ended the Cold War would be afforded a little more dignity.

Oh so you're Hugo Olsen, the deformed one they kept chained in the attic?

Do you have any idea when that's getting a release date?

Yeah but it's actually outside an Opening Ceremony.

Yep, it's two-player which makes it pretty difficult to fit into game night. My girlfriend has expressed zero interest in learning how to play, so that's unfortunately out too.

I just recently picked up Twilight Struggle, after hearing nothing but great things, and holy crap, is it amazing.

This is what happens when you allow Anarchists, Bolshevists, and Freemasons to infiltrate your enterprise and defile your workforce with the scourge of trade unionism.

I think Jamey Sheridan is the worst possible choice for Randall Flagg. I realize it's hard to cast the earthly embodiment of pure evil, but he looks like a single dad in a late 80s sitcom.


The Steampunkening of America continues

Yikes, you wouldn't even have to administer a Voight-Kampff on that horrible thing

Didn't this guy also direct that piece of shit movie about CBGB?

Yeah but like five of the top 10 highest grossing films last year were superhero movies. I just don't think that's sustainable.

For me it's just an issue of overexposure. I think everyone gets sick of something after being inundated with it year after year, especially if the output is mediocre (which I think is going to eventually be the case). I really enjoyed Winter Soldier and Guardians, but is anybody actually excited for like, Ant-Man or

You should just spend all your time at MGM Studios (or whatever it's called these days) and go on Star Tours over and over again.

I mean, I'm going to see Avengers and probably love it, but I'm also approaching my tolerance threshold. Not every movie is going to be Guardians of the Galaxy-good.

Well, when pretty much every single movie is a tentpole expected to make back the GDP of a small country, yeah, it is too much.

When is the superhero movie bubble going to burst? At a certain point, I feel like they'll go the way of the Western in the late 60s/early 70s and people are just going to get sick of them, probably somewhere around the sixth Captain America movie.

Eh, that joke is par for the course around here.