Tjardus Greidanus

You'd have to be a real rat-brain to not be able to pronounce that.

You guys are great.

I watched this at least once a year in math class, always at the end of the semester when nobody wanted to work and the teacher didn't want to teach.

To be fair, the entire franchise already hinges on Obi-Wan taking a much younger man out to a bar.

I've been meaning to watch Harry's Game for a while. This is a period in history that I find utterly fascinating, but I'm not nearly as knowledgeable about it as I'd like to be.

Overlooking the allegations, I just do not get Bill Cosby. Lots of people I really respect treat (or, at least used to treat) this guy like a fucking national treasure and I've never understood why. I find him aggressively unfunny.

I had no idea a7x fan was an avowed antifascist crusader.

Mostly agree, but it did have its bright spots (like . . . socialism?)

My friend and I drank a bottle of Woodford Reserve and played the board game Twilight Struggle, which certainly requires a level of sobriety I wasn't prepared to commit. Still had a blast.

Must We Continue This Depressing Charade, Internet?

Don't think Chris Pratt is the right fit for Maverick, but he would certainly make a good Goose.

It's 1985 all over again!

So, Sylos.

I'm sorry, I'm on my WINE break.
*slams window shut*

You are nuts! N-V-T-S, nuts!

The "earnestness" criticism is one I've never really understood. Bruce has always struck me as one of the most quietly cynical songwriters. Nebraska, The River, even Born in the USA (which Bruce haters generally refer to when pointing out his "corniness") are all very dark albums.

Ha ha ha, what a stirring little anthem of wellness.

For me, it goes:

Can't speak to the technical accuracy of U-571, but it immediately loses points with me for flat-out lying about the Americans capturing the Enigma machine.

Against my better judgment, decided to watch The Stand miniseries now that it's on Netflix. I'm a huge fan of the book and while the first part is not so terrible, everything just falls apart by the second episode. What a hilariously miscast disaster. That fuck from Mystic Pizza who plays Larry Underwood makes me want