Tjardus Greidanus

I really loved Red Mars, but I got a little sick of Green and basically read Blue out of obligation. They're brilliant but they're a lot to handle all at once.

Cat's Cradle is my favorite Vonnegut book. I bet you'll end up loving it, if you can get past the ex thing.


I thought it was a particularly good run this week.

Started Peter Straub's Ghost Story, which is excellent.

Letting it ride until something embarrassing, as usual:

Presumably he was a little overzealous in his buggering of the first-years and had to be given the six-of-the-best.

"We’ve been sold a concept of joy through advertising, through car advertising, through fashion branding."

Sadly not the (bold, visionary) Studio 60 reboot the world has been clamoring for.

I like to write BONER on $1 bills to honor boners

Suggestion for Julian Fellowes: the next series picks up in 1933, the family smitten with the "irreverent ideas of a certain young Austrian idealist." The series follows Lord Grantham's rise to power within the British Union of Fascists and the Countess' steamy affair with Oswald Mosley. Eventually 1939 rolls around,

. . . As for me, I grew to manhood and in the fullness of time, I became the leader, the Chief of the Great Northern Tribe. And the Judge? That was the last we ever saw of her. She lives now only in my memories.

This was really great.

It's certainly Emma Stone's greatest scene.

God helps those who help themselves, Dik.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize these guys were somehow exempt from all criticism.

Punch-Drunk Love. I don't think it's even up for debate.

This is such bullshit.

Waiting for Guffman! Far and away the best Missouri movie ever.

This is a step up for the NYPD. They used to organize showings of Maniac Cop to demonstrate proper use of deadly force.