Tjardus Greidanus

Sure, but not in the OT. That's all established later.

Disregarding canon established later, I would argue that when Luke says that, he's referring to his unique potential as a Jedi, not his ability to simply interact with the Force.

My biggest problem with Midi-chlorians is that the entire concept turns Force-sensitivity into an innate, genetic trait. Part of the charm of the OT is the implication that anybody could conceivably tap into the mysteries of the Force with enough hard work and dedication (and, sure, under the tutelage of a Jedi

If Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos isn't the definitive science fantasy book series, I don't know what is.

Sting, Debbie Reynolds, and God!

[Saxophone peal]

Both Margo and Cranston are too good for CBS.

Achtung Igor

Bandits is a good movie

I don't buy that these guys are real chefs. I don't see any of the sleeve tattoos that all hip young chefs are contractually obligated to have.

On the one hand, you can't see any of the Avengers' feet; on the other, there are not nearly enough unnecessary pouches.

This is embarrassingly bad, even for Marvel's low standards.

Just google "sex!"

No one will be admitted during the riveting shroom-tripping scene(s)

Works of friction, more like.

Eh, Furious would never have stood for that pussy photography bullshit.

Straight, White, Cis Malehood: The Liberal Arts Years

Jimmy Page's (or at least his PR team's) entreaty that I "have a rocking weekend" doesn't sit well with me at all.

Ahem, since it's in Tokyo, wouldn't it be a Gojira-themed hotel?

Wait, but "horror" makes you scared, and "comedy" makes you laugh . . .