Tjardus Greidanus

I would quite like to hear Shatner's interpretation of "Dead Flag Blues" à la "Rocket Man"

Like Askia the Great, leader of the Songhai Empire?

It's more of a full-body dry heave set to music.

Don't be such a jerk.

Just get her genetically engineered human/feline hybrid of a sister to take over the role.

The beauty of that movie is that I understood maybe 15-20% of it and still loved every minute.

Really? It feels like he's in everything. He's the go-to loud, aggressive dick in comedies today.

I am sufficiently tired of Rob Riggle's shtick.

Mine is The Terror of Tiny Town

"And even more impressive was how they put everything back exactly how it was when they started."

Do not speak that accursed name!

Do you think the theatrical cut is worth seeing?

It's definitely one of the most ambitious horror/fantasy/action movies I've ever seen. Not everything works, but there's never a dull moment.

Director's cut. What a bonkers movie. Totally unexpected.

As great as It Was Written is, it never has and never will transcend genre the way Illmatic did. The latter has become a touchstone not just in the canon of hip hop, but in music as a whole.

I just recently watched Nightbreed for the first time, and I was struck by how great Cronenberg is in the role of the deranged serial killer shrink. He should do more acting, beyond simple cameos.

Finally, MC Skat Kat's tragic, inspiring story will be told.

I think you mean Kevin J. Anderson.

Lie . . . berry?

I remember liking it a lot and I wasn't a mall goth. I definitely backed away from it when I realized it kind of has that reputation.