Tjardus Greidanus

In malls across America, Hot Topic franchisees rejoice

Not to upbraid them, but this sounds like it's going to blow.

Moon . . . pies? What a time to be alive.

Denzel Washington always has great success remaking classic properties. Just look at The Manchurian Candidate and The Taking of Pelham One Two Three!

Do you by any chance live in a Tony Scott movie?

Tjardette and I got really drunk and went to a screening of Ninja III: The Domination this weekend. It was as fun as it sounds.

If you're anything like me, you'll be too much of a pussy to break up with her and she'll get sick of you long before you're ready to have that conversation.

Pretty much everything you said gave me horrible, Nam-like flashbacks to my senior year of college.

No, Internet, the Number of Tumblr Followers You Have is Not a Good Resume Padder

You're right, why isn't the AV Club—a pop culture website—reporting on the things that really matter.

It basically came down to her or noted Hollywood legend Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Joan just didn't make the cut.

I admire both their independence and their spirit.

I like that, despite a successful and critically-acclaimed screenwriting career, he'll always be Jonathan from Buffy

Joining Danny Strong as Glenn Greenwald

The Oscars actually don't pay that much, all things considered. Something like $15-20 grand, I think.

What about the scene where Zuckerman fantasizes about fucking Anne Frank in The Ghost Writer?

Sure, and I agree. It's just a weird kind of gut reaction I have as a Jew that isn't entirely logical.

And the filthy, perverted sex.

It's baffling to me that Plot Against America hasn't been adapted yet.

I don't know, as a rule of thumb, I feel kind of weird about Jewish stories or characters being told or portrayed by non-Jews. That goes doubly so for an adaptation of a book by arguably the Jewiest writer ever.