Tjardus Greidanus

Nothing treyf about liver, my friend.

Well in my experience, Southern California is made up almost entirely of bloodsucking Hollow Earth Reptilians wearing human skins, so that's pretty accurate.

This sounds like an interesting thematic departure for Best Coast.

I have the same issue with my meticulously groomed hair. It's like, "No! I don't like Rachel from Friends, I just like bouncy layered hairstyles, IDIOT."

Boy, Nightcrawler's really going full-on Sulu in that panel, huh?

Upvoted for Seba Jun (RIP)


The student loan people have started calling and I can't run away from them anymore.

I really think the best first date destination is bar trivia. It's sociable and fun without feeling forced, it gives you something to talk about, and you get to see if your date is an idiot or not.

As usual, letting it ride until something embarrassing:

I wish I could give you all the upvotes for "Acadian Driftwood"

Uh, given the presence of noted Afrikaans looney toons Die Antwoord, Hugh Jackman's inexplicable accent, and the fact that it's directed by Neill Blomkamp, I think it's safe to say that Chappie is South African, not British.

I'm most disappointed by the complete snub of A Most Violent Year. Oscar Isaac deserved a Best Actor nomination (as much as I loved Chastain, Isaac really made the movie) and at the very least, J.C. Chandor should have been nominated for Best Screenplay.

I will die a happy man if I never have to hear "For What It's Worth" played over a montage of Vietnam/protest scenes ever again. Same goes for Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" and any number of Bob Dylan songs.

If Obama's BuzzFeed video is this generation's equivalent of the Fireside Chats, we really are fucked as a nation.

Still waiting for Hallmark to release its "Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis" greeting card.

This administration's fixation on viral bullshit is wearing thin real fast.


My friends and I saw Titus in college and it was probably the best concert of my life. We drove two hours in a blizzard, almost killing ourselves at multiple points, only to make it to some crappy club with lousy sound/lighting, overpriced booze, and a bad opener. There were so few people in the audience, but Stickles
