Tjardus Greidanus

Glad to see the director of Exotica branching out.

Probably Uma Thurman rising nude from the sea in The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Jennifer Connelly in Labyrinth! I realize she was a teenager but I was a kid when I saw first saw that, so it's not that creepy.

Great article as usual, IV. I've said it here before, but American Sniper's biggest crime is that it's just perfectly okay. I think that Crash is an apt comparison, because they're both watered down perspectives on contentious socio-political issues that don't have that much to say other than "war/racism is bad."

With a few exceptions, I have a serious problem with people trashing their own shows/films, which is why I went from feeling fairly ambivalent about Eddie Huang to outright disliking him. Sure, the series may not capture everything special about the book, but to sit there and talk shit about it after you've cashed

As the director of The Final Sacrifice, I thank you for standing up for my work.

My one fear is that I was able to figure out a major plot point/twist from the poorly-edited US trailer. Curious to see if that pans out.

I'd rather watch Leprechaun 3 without Doug Benson's input, thank you very much.

But what are his opinions on Jews?

*Academy Award nominee

This is indeed a disturbing universe.

This is like a scene from a John Waters movie.

Time Chasers: The Castleton Years

And that the primary thesis of his high school science class is that sometimes "stuff just happens" and you can't explain it.

All due respect to the director of the third highest-grossing film in history, but maybe he's in a position to do something about it?

That scene has one of the best lines in the movie. After the lion rips the guys arm off, the horrified old woman asks, "What kind of terrorists are these?!"

That list of directors is just a cavalcade of mediocrity.

I don't understand, did she just forget where she left the manuscript?

I mean, yeah, if you're not a fan of Whit Stillman, you probably shouldn't even watch Damsels in Distress.

Damsels in Distress is absolutely worth seeing, if you haven't already.