Tjardus Greidanus

Well, we also failed Ayn Rand when we all collectively came to depend upon the evil crutch of altruism.

"Goddamn it, not another dragon!"

Snapchat: Dicks, bowel movements

But they predict things good!

Scott Stapp, Kid Rock, now Puddle of Mudd? Is there a full moon only affecting crappy 90s musicians?

Or RoboCop.

Jude Law's accent in this movie is sillier than in DOMB 'EMINGWAY

The Zionist Occupied Government is very selective in who it chooses to wield the puppet strings of power.

It's gonna be great.

Yikes, you've got to be a Working Man to afford that.

A similar supercut for the prequels would just be ten minutes of green.

But the "camp factor" here is inherently forced. As Sharknado has proved, there's nothing worse than a movie that's trying to be crappy.

Johnny Flynn sounds like a rockabilly bandleader.

I was just having a conversation last night about my favorite documentaries, and I realized that (with the exception of Errol Morris) none of them take a strident political stance. The fact is, "issue documentaries" don't age well; are we really going to be talking about Blackfish in twenty, thirty years, despite the

This is how I feel when people complain about modern horror cinema. Yeah, Paranormal Activity sucks, but the state of smaller, indie horror is stronger than ever.

That movie is just tailor-made for earnest teenagers who don't yet understand how the world works.

I have to wonder where Noah Baumbach fits into this idea. On paper, he makes the most insufferable movies (in terms of "pretentious white people acting like children and trying to find themselves"), but I find almost all of them compelling, if not brilliant.

Big fucking deal. Call me when he can do all of Peart's parts on "La Villa Strangiato."

Good point!

I like that Jesse Eisenberg is gradually turning into his character from The Squid and the Whale.