Tjardus Greidanus

Well, this calls for a celebration.

Destroy all television

Luuke is great! Despite the hilarious name, that whole storyline is fucking fantastic.

Getting Americans to look forward to commercials during the Super Bowl was the greatest trick the devil ever pulled.

Ah, of course, the ad that brought tears to the eyes of moms across America.

Yeah, I did. I think it makes sense, but I can't say my hopes are all that high for the series. There are just so many weird little details (the racial/cultural differences between Belters, Martians, and Earthers, for example) that I don't see translating well on screen.

Just booked a train back to my old school for an impromptu reunion with my college friends. It'll be my first trip back since graduating a few years ago, so I'm excited.

Bobbie is kind of remarkable in that she's a "bad-ass chick" character with a big gun who still manages to be super interesting. Her relationship with Avasarala is just so great.

Did you ever read his book The Rifle? It follows the various owners of a gun from the Revolutionary War up to the present, and all I really remember about it is that the gunsmith used cow piss to treat the wood when he was making it. That struck my 10-year-old self as exceedingly gross and cool.

What's your rewards program like?

Upvoted for Wu

As usual, going until something embarrassing:

I think his Bruno alter ego has just taken control.

Ohhhh right. Didn't realize that was him.

These character designs seem to approach ReBoot levels of awful.

What's the deal with that guy? I apparently missed this.

For like five minutes . . .

I thought he was just force-sensitive, which is even stupider.

So has John C. Reilly just decided to stop acting in real things or what?

I believe Hutts reproduce asexually, but Reposted Wookieepedia can likely confirm.