Tjardus Greidanus

They also just straight up cheat at every event in the Greek Games.

I'm a huge fan of this gimmick

The Revenge of the Nerds rape scene immediately comes to mind.

I'd like a Sy Snootles biopic a la What's Love Got to Do with It

Postcards from the Wedge

Captain Corellia's Mandolin

Just started Hyperion. I'm a huge fan of science fiction that explores how religion evolves with humanity and the various theological debates faced by a spacefaring civilization, so it's right up my alley.

Rooney Mara Jade

Another example would be the scene in Once Upon a Time in America where the kid literally forfeits sex in exchange for the most delicious-looking pastry ever.

It really is an ugly movie. There are times when it looks like it was just shot on video.

Liberace was already a hologram in my Holodeck adventure where Data and I saved him from Moriarty.

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen

". . . when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better boners of our nature."

The Anaconda Plan

And "Dixie!" Lots and lots of "Dixie!"

Sawing a few bones

My friend and I once got together and discussed the possibility of writing a pilot for a big-budget miniseries about King Philip's War. We sort of saw it as a mix of John Adams and Band of Brothers, with a bit of Game of Thrones.


I'm still waiting for a really good movie about the War of Jenkins' Ear

I like to walk down the street to this movie's theme and pretend my life is way more dramatic than it really is.