Tjardus Greidanus

The surfing scene was the moment I gave up and just embraced the fact that Escape from L.A. is ridiculous schlock and nothing like its near-perfect forerunner.

It's never too late to forgive Keanu his past sins.

I've read a lot of criticism that this isn't a very scary movie, and I'm genuinely curious: what do you think is scarier?

I can't watch this as I am at work, but I can only assume it's a link to the drunken kangaroo massacre from Wake in Fright

It's apparently a very brave performance.

I'm surprised The Babadook wasn't even nominated for an Independent Spirit. They're generally very good about this sort of thing.

I'll not stand for anything said against Rush.

The underrated documentary Side by Side (produced by Keanu Reeves, of all people) has a really interesting segment on the colorization process, and how its changed with the advent of digital film. Worth watching for those interested in that sort of thing.

Well, I assume there will also be banter of sorts.

Second worst song to use the Oriental riff. Worst is "Turning Japanese."

You're scared of the Klaw!

Splosions go smashy boom boom

I never cared for that song anyway


If Dermott doesn't show up, these guys can all blow me

"The episodes were often running up to eight minutes under, so the only way to stretch them out was with slow motion. But we tried to keep the slow motion away from dialogue as much as possible."

Scenario 7

And they said the Entourage/Final Destination crossover would never happen.

I don't know if there are funnier visual gags than Hank Azaria clomping around in shoes and Nathan Lane pretending to walk like John Wayne.

Let's not drag a classic through the mud.