Tjardus Greidanus

To be fair, The Intercept doesn't have much else going on.

With the possible exception of Natalie Portman's midriff.

This was really lovely, Becca. I quite like the idea of adding a more personal touch to "Hear This," over the usual critical prose.

Glad to see Ruby Rhod is back on his feet and getting work in the wake of the Fhloston Paradise disaster.

Every single thing about this show suggests that it's going to be a complete disaster and I can't wait.


Thankfully YouTube consists entirely of teenagers playing videogames and MST3K

This isn't Quigley Down Under

If this month's crop of new arrivals is any indication, they've already given up.

BUT SERIOUSLY, my favorite play is probably Stoppard's Arcadia. Regrettably never seen it performed, though.

I still use my imagination to beat off

Upvote for 'Mats and War on Drugs

I'm also reading it! And it's also my first David Mitchell book.

Lettin' it ride until something embarrassing comes up.

Q: Dear David, I've been having a lot of issues with my mother-in-law recently. She's very judgmental and passive-aggressive and treats me like a child, rather than the beloved wife of her son. She's coming to visit soon and while I am able to deal with her in small doses, I fear a week-long visit will simply be too

They're not turtley enough for the turtle club

And thus, like an Ouroboros, the AV Club consumed itself.

Off-topic, but I miss the monkey laughing at the computer screen on the Great Job, Internet! banner. That little guy was alright.

Yeah, sure.

Needs more ants