Tjardus Greidanus

It's irrelevant because we all know Theory of Everything or some bullshit's going to win.

Hate to say it but I do believe I've outgrown this band.

I ain't never seen boobs that big

SyFy: the William Castle of the 21st century

I'm glad you qualified that story as "true."

Big deal. When's HBO bringing back Taxicab Confessions?

I foresee this project moving forward smoothly, with no backlash from anybody on the internet whatsoever.

I've seen that, and while it is indeed hilarious, it's still a dumb reason to write off the film. They also admit in the accompanying Half in the Bag review that Prometheus is a pretty enjoyable (if imperfect) movie that is perhaps too ambitious.

I knew I should have stayed out of these comments.

Crossing swords is also technically a streaming game.

Didn't realize Jalopnik covered the car-culture-and-also-weirdo-media-urban-legends beat.

My understanding is that CBS' rural purge was more about appealing to a younger demographic, not necessarily a "smarter" one.

Because it's consistently great? I don't know, if you don't like it, there's not much else I can say.

- Jason Mantzoukas

I really can't stand the people who seemed to vitriolically hate Prometheus. It's like, there are so many garbage movies out there, why do you choose to despise the one big budget sci-fi picture that tries to do something weird and interesting with an existing franchise?

How Did This Get Made is for chumps and losers who like people trying too hard and screaming over each other.

Does getting drunk and tossing a sheep into a hole count as football?

This wouldn't be the first of NATO's colossal fuck-ups.

I bet Omarosa would have called Cosby.

He didn't like commies all that much.