Tjardus Greidanus

The good Crash is the one that posits "racism is mean," right?

They adapted Crash for the stage?

The McEngines cannae take it, Cap'n!

One is talented, the other was Green Lantern.

I give this business strategy a C+.

The studio could always just recut the trailer to make it look like a Nicholas Sparks movie.

He always looks like he's thinking about all the ways he's better than you.

Sometimes a Dikachu is just a Dikachu, Dikachu.

Can some symbolisms be about vaginas?

Oh okay, makes sense.

Oh I get it. The fire is a symbolism.

What? It's not like that at all.

Yeah, that's like a hundred thirty-racks MINIMUM.

" . . . Dallas Buyer’s Club didn’t even make the list."

That reminds me of when I performed unholy experiments with non-Euclidean geometry and accidentally summoned the avatar of Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos. Good times, good times.

No wonder you people can't govern yourselves.

I too am confused/disturbed by this.

Madagascar turned into a lucrative, multi-pronged franchise so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Young Ross indicates on a complex chart that hair has been growing in places where no hair grew before.

It will be set three years earlier in Waco. All your favorite characters became Branch Davidians, with a special appearance from Ethan Hawke as David Koresh.