Tjardus Greidanus

Not a scandal per se, but British audiences were very upset that American sailors were portrayed as having captured the Enigma machine, when it was actually the Royal Navy. I believe it was brought up in Parliament and Tony Blair called it disgraceful, or something to that effect.

It sure didn't work for U-571

I guess I'm just struggling to understand why you would choose Lincoln to hold up as this example of American hubris. There are so many other historical figures that are better suited for that purpose.

This whole month just feels like a Gilliamesque dystopia.

"The world sure moves fast these days!" - Ziggy, weighing in

I eagerly await PJ's mea culpa when he doesn't go back to making raunchy puppet exploitation flicks.

We also need to stop pretending that Meryl Streep can do comedy.

But you could really say that about any state's national heroes. We revere certain historical figures, and at this point in time, I would argue that MLK is granted that same level of deification.

How on earth is Lincoln a symbol of "America's self-aggrandizing?"

And yet the Narrator has been excised . . .

You are a garbage person, but goddamn it if I don't respect you.

"It combines my two shameful loves of sci-fi and rom-coms."

Or the guy from Jamiroquai

"With a Little Help From My Friends" is arguably the greatest cover ever.

Worse. Sam Smith.

If you like WWII movies, you'll probably like Fury. It doesn't break any new ground and it's kind of forgettable, but I definitely enjoyed it.

Unless there's a foul-mouthed/rapping granny, I'm not interested.

Half brand, half man. All Hart.

In front of an audience of dollies and stuffed animals?

The combination of Kardashians, former network TV stars, and the OJ Simpson trial means this show will be a veritable feeding frenzy for our nation's late night hosts.