Tjardus Greidanus

It's almost like the Emmys aren't an accurate measure of talent or something.

You didn't like his role in Interstellar as Exposition Screamer?


Yeah, I know so many irritating people like that. I just don't think it makes for really captivating cinema.

I hope this isn't indicative of the quality of NĂ¼ SyFy, especially with The Expanse and The Magicians coming up.

You mean you didn't like the scene where he eats shrooms and talks about seizing the moment?

What's the most embarrassing piece of pop culture (music, movie, TV series, etc) you genuinely enjoy?

You are so basic

Which historical figure do you most admire?

1. Whiplash
2. Inherent Vice
3. Birdman
4. Nightcrawler
5. The Immigrant
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel
7. The Guest
8. The Babadook
9. Gone Girl
10. Guardians of the Galaxy

Excuse me for not being able to muster up empathy for a deranged man-child who starves and imprisons his people and executes the families of his political enemies.

No argument there.

Oh give me a break.

Don't worry, we'll always have Nazis.

You know those rating systems are flawed. They don't take into account houses that have, uh . . . more than two television sets and other . . . other things of that nature.

Featuring Diane Keaton as Teti's mom

Who would have thought Seth Rogen would be the Gavrilo Princip of World War III?

I appreciate the biblical reference, but I like to imagine the Witch of Endor is some sort of Ewok shaman.

Yeah Boyhood is about as white as it gets

Could there be a simpler way to exchange protein strands?