Tjardus Greidanus

This whole thing is such bullshit

There was a really weird article about YouTube/Vine stars in The New Yorker recently, and for the first time in my life, I understood how my father feels when he hears rap music.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Manischewitz

*adjusts glasses*
I think you mean Serenity.

The Keanes are no Ed Wood.

Hey, Paul is great!

Nice little coincidence. I'm seeing him in concert tonight.

Something something never reaches heights of The Wire or The Sopranos et cetera et cetera.

Only saw Step Up 2: The Streets and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It somehow made a bunch of gentrifying white kids into heroes you didn't feel queasy rooting for.

Hey anybody else got a craving for the smooth, strong taste of Black & Long cigarettes?

Tony died on the way back to his home planet

Waltz With Bashir is magnificent. One of the best war films of the last decade.

Genuinely great job, Internet. This made my heart ache for my long-shuttered local video store . . .

He rewards his loyal thanes with many a flagon of mead

As lord of your manor, would not any hypothetical offspring be excused under droit du seigneur?

My pop culture best friend would be King Hrothgar

He's also great in the woefully underrated farce The Impostors

Oh, that's Cosmo. He's Chinese.

For me, that's Johnny Depp's best movie. The performances, the script, the cinematography, Neil Young's soundtrack. . . I love everything about it.

Sorry if you can't handle my realness