Tjardus Greidanus


At the risk of being a wet blanket, the only Schoolhouse Rock songs that I think are genuinely educational and worth remembering are the grammar songs. I sometimes still find myself humming sections of "The Tale of Mr. Morton" and "Busy Prepositions" or what-have-you when I can't remember certain things.


Maybe just a lower quality, non-artisanal coffin?

Wendy Peffercorn

This is the way The Simpsons ends
This is the way The Simpsons ends
This is the way The Simpsons ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

And "The Raincoats"! One of my all time favorites.

And arguably the best short of the series,
Out of this World in High School Big Shot

Samsonite! I was way off!

Plus "Deep Space Homer," "Bart Gets Famous," "$pringfield," "Homer Goes to College," the list goes on. '94 was a great year for The Simpsons.

Biggie's Ready to Die and Nas' Illmatic. Both in the top five greatest hip hop albums of all time and as a New Yorker, I would have liked to have experienced them when they first started making waves in the city. Hot 97 airplay and everything.

No, it's a good movie. Not amazing, but it's a ton of fun with some genuinely striking images.

Looks like this gives Sucker Punch a run for its money in the male chauvinist fantasies masquerading as "strong female characters" department.

That is an incredibly sassy statue.

No, that's the upcoming Russ Meyer biopic

I don't know, it just sounds kind of desperate.

The more I hear about season 2, the less excited I become. The absence of Cary Fukunaga is particularly troubling.

Kind of dim, maybe twilight.

On the one hand, it's great that $41 million has been raised for ALS research through social media hijinks. On the other, fuck this goofy bullshit till the end of time.

Why is it Zohar to get through one day without a pun thread?