Tjardus Greidanus

That doesn't look very scary. More like a six-foot turkey.

That joke isn't funny anymore

Easy Mo Bee's production on this track is insane. The beat is so simple and cool and acts as the perfect precursor to all of his work on Ready to Die.




Ha ha I don't know, brah. Some serious cheebs though, that's for sure!

Whatever, call me when someone makes a Lego animation of Saló.

Yo these dudes MUST have been smokin' something FIERCE when they came up with this idea!

Superjail! is another show with gorgeous animation.

You is a warwilf

"Chloë Grace Moretz deserves better"

Well, I would follow her around to ensure that her manner of carrying herself aligns with traditional Islamic values.

I'd police her morals, if you know what I mean.

I will enjoy watching people react to this.

Eh, we're just going to wait for Fifty Shades of Gray to come out.

When I was in middle school and I was just starting to "learn about my body" (i.e. beat off all the time), I was home alone and flipping around TV, when I saw this on Cinemax. Based on the description and the first few minutes, I just assumed it was the usual softcore garbage they played all the time late at night.

I appreciated the books for that very reason. And I think that even though he isn't a great critic (Laserblast, two-and-a-half stars), he has a real knowledge and love of film that he's been able to impart to millions of people. Sure, he's no Ebert (who is?) but that democratization of the art form is something worth

This is sad. My dad bought the guide every year, up until three or four years ago. They're all lined up over the TV.

I've been listening to "Changing of the Guards" by Bob Dylan pretty much every day.