Tjardus Greidanus

Unrelated, but I would murder my entire family to hang out (and possibly have sex, but I wouldn't be presumptuous) with Lizzy Caplan.

But nothing happened . . .

In & Outlander, in which Matt Dillon outs Kevin Kline as a time-traveling Scotsman.

Pardon me?

Dammit, Radcliffe! Stop being so naturally charming!

Yancy Fry from Futurama.

I assume that every episode will have "Daniel Grummitz" delivering a jargon-filled exposition dump, followed by "Elijah Mundo" ordering him to "speak English, poindexter!"

I can say with certainty that my mom is very excited to see this.

Oh no, how dare Michael Bay desecrate the rich, dignified history of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! This is almost as reprehensible as the Transformers/Smurfs/G.I. Joe franchises!

Garfunkel and Oates are cute white women.

There's a French DJ called Onra who's tremendous. He has two mixtapes called Chinoiseries parts 1 and 2, and they're just a collection of beats sampling lots of weird Southeast Asian pop music. Really cool stuff.


Sorry if The Demon's a little too real for you fuckin' squares.


Future generations will remember The Post's Anthony Weiner headlines as works of art.

"Come with me if you want to Lead a Normal Life."

The gold standard in 80s action-comedy music is Danny Elfman's Midnight Run score (incidentally, one of my all-time favorite movies). Just a lot of solid, bluesy slide guitar and jaunty country-rock, plus he got Oingo Boingo together to do the song over the end credits:

It really is a fun, underrated little movie. Well worth seeing.

Jesus, she is so insanely beautiful. Like, how is it possible for a human being to look like that?

He's the male Jennifer Lawrence.