Tjardus Greidanus

The thing is, Old Daario was basically that white guy with dreadlocks from college who slacklines out on the quad without a shirt. It's hard to fuck up New Daario in comparison.

Just throw some roofies in there and you're set.

What if Arya never makes it to Braavos and she and the Hound just ride off into the sunset, getting into adventures and brawling with thugs in various roadhouses in a buddy/road movie spinoff? I think I'd watch that.

Holy crap is this real?

No Arsenio woofing though.

He's channeling Jordan Catalano with that fucking hair.

It's a melodramatic argument about weed set to the music from Inception.

Boy, it looks like there are more villainous Orientals in this movie than a Fu Manchu serial.

At least you're not a Millenial. What do we have other than Girls and a crippling sense of entitlement?

Seymour from Ghost World
The crack cook from King of New York
The homeless guy from Big Daddy

Loggin' On with Steve Buscemi featuring house band Dial-Up and the Modems.

Ha ha, that's a good one.
*Blinks rapidly*


Entertaining? Yes. Formative? Yes. Good? No.

Obligatory link whenever 7th Heaven is mentioned:

Well, this calls for a celebration.
*puts on Kool & the Gang's "Celebration"*

Docs like this should also revolve around people who are, y'know, likable.

We may not like his methods, but damn it if he doesn't get results!

I'm pretty disappointed to hear that this isn't very good. I was excited for it, and we haven't had a good series/movie about the American Revolution since John Adams.

I've never seen this episode because it was never included in the weekend-long marathons that aired on The N when I was a teenager. Too hot for TV indeed.