Tjardus Greidanus

I am not a female, nor am I gay, but your ranking could not possibly be more wrong.

I'm going to take a stand and say that Hitler deserves a good sock in the kisser.

So Species for smart people?

Captain America fucking rules. I regard people who hate on him the same way as I regard people who think "Born in the USA" is a patriotic anthem.

I'm a big fan of Lord Iron from 1602.

I saw the spoiler warning and I read it before I could stop myself. I'm now unreasonably excited to see this movie.

Crunch Buttsteak

That was unnecessarily mean.

"Smug" is the word I was looking for.

Get Corey Feldman in here and it's a party!

This is so goddamn good. Kid's going places.

"Why We Fight" is one of my favorite episodes of television, historical accuracy be damned. So excited for these recaps, Todd!

I can't really put my finger on it, but there's something about Wil Wheaton that I find very off putting.

That was the last thing I read and I really loved it. Such a page-turner, and it reminds me of old school King in the best way.

Just started The Blade Itself, book one of The First Law trilogy. Definitely enjoying it; it's like ASoIaF but without a million POV characters and way more violent (I'm fifty pages in and there have already been two torture scenes and a battle).

The Cheat . . . IS GROUNDED!

I think that's a really solid interpretation of the book. I was also confused/annoyed by all the War on Terror and 9/11 comparisons. I've never thought of Roth as an overtly political allegorist and those analyses just seemed so misguided to me.

I recently got The Wedding Planner in "CRITICALLY-ACCLAIMED CRIME MOVIES"

I'm willing to overlook the ending a little because the rest of the book is so richly drawn and wonderful. He does such a good job of dragging you through that nightmarish America.

I like KSR but he can be a bit of a slog. The Mars Trilogy plagued me for months.