Tjardus Greidanus


My favorite New York Post headline of all time is "POO DIDDY!!!" and a paparazzi picture of him stepping in dogshit.

Will this also mark a return to Led Zeppelin-sampling movie tie-ins?

Nyuck nyuck nyuck, good one asshole.

Interesting! I didn't realize Rhodes was the base of operations for that campaign.

I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats.

I feel as if I have stepped into Fringe!

Here's a little story that gets told in my family a lot:

Yeah, and how about those bags of airplane peanuts? I found more peanuts under my sofa cushion!

Wahoo!! This is me peaking.

Disappointed this trailer doesn't touch on his "Living in America"/Ronald Reagan hard-on years.

Totally agree. At the risk of sounding like a pretentious dick, it's just so obvious.

He scheduled a date with David Benioff . . . on the same night and at the same restaurant as his date with D.B. Weiss!

Can someone make a supercut of Wes Anderson supercuts?

Maybe, but that's impossible to know for sure. I think it's kind of silly to judge an artist's creative process like that.

Best Dilla sample:

Snow way, dude.

Cool joke.

If the series actually overtakes the books, I'm sorry to say that I won't be watching it anymore. I think this is a problem that a lot of ASoIaF fans will relate to.

This uh . . . doesn't look terrible. I say that with the greatest trepidation.