Tjardus Greidanus

So people are upset that the century-old racist ass caricature is still racist?

Carson Daly is Belarus: bad and backwards, but it apparently still exists.

Once hit two triples with SEQUOIAS which didn't score too many points but was very satisfying nonetheless.

Tatiana Maslany deserves an Emmy if only for the clusterfuck that would spring forth from nominating her for six different roles.


Sorry, does the male platypus jizz out its babies hundreds at a time?

This and The Mouse and the Mask are what first got me into hip hop. Madvillainy and I still don't think I could have asked for a better intro.

Because it's Gilligan, I'm willing to give this a chance, but man does it sound bad. Seems very paint-by-numbers, and Duhamel's a horrible actor who should be relegated solely to the pages of GQ.

Yes! This whole album is just tremendous and "No Below" is one of my favorite songs of 2013.

I would LOVE to see a mystery set in the 19th century. This popped into my head a few weeks ago, but I think strike-breaking Pinkertons has a ton of potential. It could focus on the Homestead Strike in Pittsburgh in 1892.

Agreed. They should just fucking adapt The Big Nowhere and be done with it.

The altar has to be one of the coolest fucking things I've ever seen. Someone on the other thread posted this and it's absolutely worth checking out the pics:

Let me first say that True Detective is my favorite new show and probably one of the best police procedurals (can it even be called that?) I’ve ever seen. It’s a fantastic show that I’m sure is going to have a long and fruitful run. Still, I was left somewhat disappointed by this finale.

Springsteen originally wrote "Because the Night."

That Brock statue would make a fine addition to Gary's memorabilia closet.

Whatever you do, Hank, don't light a cigarette. A good sniper can see a hot cherry for miles.

It might just say something about how bad HBOGo sucks.

I have . . . questions.

Unpopular opinion, but I never thought Jamie Foxx was a particularly good actor. He always just seems like a guy playing dress up.

She's certainly doing a good job gnawing that scenery!