Tjardus Greidanus

One would imagine significantly less rape in this adaptation.

Did he get it from Willie's 100% Authentic Treasures on eBay?

I think the Yellow King is Ignatius J. Reilly. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE, THE CLUES ARE RIGHT THERE.

I love how Oprah rolls in like Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction.

You mean you wouldn't want to raise your kids in Barter Town?

Publishing/New York



She's probably cheating on you. I would send a text demanding her whereabouts. If she doesn't respond in five minutes, she's playing you, and the best course of action is to show up at her house/place of work and angrily confront her.

So this is presumably the True Detective meme of the week?

I dread spring because once it starts to warm up, Tjardus starts sweatin'.

McSweeney's is BuzzFeed for the NPR crowd.

I'd like to humbly add Patton Oswalt as Paul Aufiero in Big Fan to this list.

An alligator wearing sunglasses, perhaps?

Okay episode of True Detective; great episode of virtually anything else.

That AT-AT walker looks like it has cerebral palsy.

Damn, I totally forgot about The Master! That really beats everything listed, doesn't it?

What can I say? I'm a sucker for big historical epics.

I mainly hated Argo for beating Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty. As you said, it's a fine film, but it certainly wasn't worthy of all the accolades it received.

I actually quite like Dances With Wolves, but yeah, it's insane that Goodfellas didn't win. I think Ghost and The Godfather Part III were also nominated that year.