Tjardus Greidanus

This video is surprisingly riveting and stressful to watch

This fucking sucks

Yes, and there's hell to pay when a gentleman refuses to wear a hat to a base ball contest.

Seymour is the cinematic embodiment of the AV Club. That scene where he pedantically instructs that random girl on the differences between ragtime and traditional blues felt way too real. HE JUST CAN'T HELP HIMSELF.

I like Chu a lot. On his first night, I was watching with my dad, and he's one of those older people who holds Jeopardy as something absolutely sacred. When this guy showed up—and won—in a rumpled suit and a loosened tie, looking like he had just rolled out of bed, my dad nearly had a heart attack. Coupled with his

Jesus Christ, noted Jewish magician and community organizer, will be honored today . . .

Every single component of this story is stupid.

It was never cute. The "More Cowbell" sketch—otherwise a classic—is tarnished by Fallon's chuckling bullshit.

Lando and Nien Nunb is the only one I'd actually watch.

What is it about Disney animators and sneaking weird sex stuff into their movies? Bunch of fucking pervs.

I first watched Pulp Fiction at probably the same age and my parents let me sit through the gimp scene. It was one of those things where I only had a vague understanding of what was going on, but neither I nor my parents were willing to have that conversation.

And when they bust into the lobby, the security guard inadvertently channels Tommy Callahan and screams "HOLY SHNIKIES!!!"

You misspelled "methodawelogy"

Ray Donovan: your dad's favorite show since 2013

"Singin' in the Brain Matter"

He's the lead singer of Matchbox Twenty. So, yes?

u r so wise

Tell your son he's a big four-eyed nerd for me


Yeah I have absolutely no qualms with Michael B. Jordan. The dude is talented as fuck and Chronicle might as well be his Johnny Storm audition tape.