Tjardus Greidanus

I'm still not sold on a black Johnny and a white Sue. Yes, I realize there are many possible explanations, but why complicate things when there are so many talented young black actresses (off the top of my head, Nicole Beharie!) who could have filled that role better than the giant humanoid feline that is Kate Mara?


Your heart is so very mistaken.

Nice to see that the Cossacks are keeping history alive by beating people they don't like.

On the bus?

Are you by any chance a 45-year-old divorcee trying to impress your disinterested children?

That's a good point and you're right. Still, I think Nolan and Snyder have directed DC into a rut. They're committed to characters that are brooding and humorless and films that are aesthetically appealing but lack warmth.

Nolan also never stopped hammering down the fact that his movies took place in The Real World with mild comic book elements. Like you said, it's as if he wanted to "elevate" the medium, which I find kind of insulting.

You immediately saved it with "Drive All Night" though.

DJ Muggs vs. GZA - "General Principles"
Mark Knopfler - "Whoop De Doo"
Flying Lotus - "Recoiled"
Austin Peralta - "Algiers"
Fleetwood Mac - "I Don't Wanna Know"

This trailer perfectly illustrates why I've enjoyed Marvel's cinematic output so much more than DC's recent string of murderous broodfests. It's fun, silly, and colorful without straying into the realm of extreme camp, and it's clearly a bold risk for them to take (I wouldn't be surprised if this was a massive box

The Snowman is such a gorgeous little film. I pretty much wore out the VHS as a kid.

The Beltway changed you, Kumar.

Great article, Matt. Now get back to Amazin' Avenue.

"Set up a meet with Ming the Merciless."

Sure but what's the point then? Stephen King kept Richard Bachman a secret for years, but Rowling was outed almost immediately. Why stick to the charade?

It's not really a pseudonym if everybody knows who it actually is.

I'm surprised they even made it out of Mt. Moon. I feel like Team Rocket HQ is just a dead end.

I saw them up in Saratoga a few times. They're fantastic live.

Five years ago, if someone had told me that one of the McPoyles would be featured in a stirring tribute to the Angelina Jolie classic Hackers in 2014, I would have called them nuts.