Tjardus Greidanus

I guess Tyler The Creator couldn't argue them down to a booting.

Wouldn't it be great if Vince and the boys showed up in Miami for a multi-episode crossover arc?

Can't wait for Sean's "Scenes From the Ballers Movie That is Our Life."

"Because donuts don't wear alligator shoes."

First the Native Tongues series, now this? Give the Jungle Brothers a podcast and we've got a full Afrocentric revival on our hands (as foretold by Mr. Wendal).

Assalam aleikum, brother.

I'm a sucker for the Afrocentric lifestyle

The Comeback was unbelievably funny and ahead of its time. Also, Malin Akerman's boobs.

Again, this is just coming from my own experiences, but I think it's really, really hard for most people to go from a sexual to a platonic relationship. My ex often tried to cultivate a friendship after we broke up but it just felt so forced and artificial, as if making small talk and having coffee were the only ways

It may feel cruel (especially if this girl is as emotionally manipulative as she sounds), but in my experience, the best thing to do is to just cut all ties. Tell her that talking to her is screwing with your head and if she doesn't respect that, I would block her on social media and ignore her calls/texts.

How has Melissa McCarthy not starred in a Meatballs-esque, slobs vs. snobs comedy yet?

I would like to see a CW show about Cheerleader's ongoing romantic entanglements with Brett Bretterson.

They've really captured that coveted 12-19 demo.

I don't get Sharknado's appeal, and I say this as a lifelong fan of MST3K and crappy movies in general. What's the point if everything awful about it is just artificially calibrated to be as "funny" as possible?

Has anyone ever read Forever by Pete Hamill? This seems like a complete (yet watered down) ripoff.

Jimmy proves once again that he was the wisest character on Degrassi

It could just be one movie with four possible Clue-like endings.

Yeah exactly. I realize it's old hat to complain about the Grammys, but they're such a joke. All you need to do is scroll through the list of winners for the general categories on Wikipedia.

Yeah that's true. But the Grammys have been a complete joke since their inception. Do people who actually love and care about music think otherwise?

There are few things more satisfying than having your pop culture preferences validated by people you care about.