Tjardus Greidanus

He was great in Spaceballs


I'll definitely check it out. It sounds like it's worth watching, despite the review.

"It's not like there wasn't anti-Semitism among Polish partisans"

Well are the main characters portrayed as members of the NSDAP? Small detail, but I think that would color the entire experience for me.

There's a certain pie I'd like to see covered

I call bullshit on this review. We all know that no one who speaks German could be an evil man.

Krokodil and vodka form a powerful aphrodisiac when combined

His real name is Tom Flynwandyllyngtham

Well worth checking out. It was without a doubt my favorite new show of the year.

I would imagine so. You'd have to ask Mousy to be 100% certain.

Outside Providence just made me want to stinkfinger Bunny Cote.

I knocked over a rack of air fresheners and shook my genitalia at a Romanian immigrant.

I can definitely relate to this. I myself developed a crippling laudanum addiction after Alma Garret glamorized its use on Deadwood. And don't even get me started on the spice!


I think it's an awesome album but I'm also one of those people for whom Bruce can do no wrong so what do I know?

Yes. Yes it is.

Ha ha ha ha, oh, you girls keep me young. Please accept some patronizing fatherly advice.

Gather ye rosebuds, Newsroom.

Yawn, how boring.