Tjardus Greidanus

Do people actually hate Rebecca Pidgeon?

The fact that "Please Mr. Kennedy" from Inside Llewyn Davis didn't win Best Original Song is proof-positive that all awards shows are utter horseshit.

*buys whole life, term, uniflex, fire, theft, auto, dental, health with the optional death and dismemberment plan from Hooded Justice*

John Mahoney is so great in this. Simultaneously a shit of a human being and the sweetest, saddest man alive.

I think this trilogy should surprise everyone by focusing on the ongoing adventures of Willrow Hood.

"Meesa will not fall into despair till freedom is opportunesa!"

To be fair, Auteur Star Wars is kind of what went wrong last time

He does have those fabled Tarkin cheekbones

That demand went right Over My Head

Good news on a Monday Morning

Not skunks. Skunk people.

Yes! I also got that DVD in the mail! I kind of miss the days when that's how shows were occasionally promoted. I felt like I was invited into a secret club that I was obligated to talk about a lot.

Amazing, amazing show. I was deeply saddened when it was (inevitably) canceled.

Who, Louis Riel? Pff, talk about no swag.

The subtropical woodlands of the Balkans aren't at all similar to the harsh Russian taiga that Ignatiy calls home.



"You don't want no part of this, Justin!"

I would like to see a political drama about the Big Dig.

"Fackin' homo. First time gettin' pussy in the history of astrawlogy or pussy."