Tjardus Greidanus


I'm sure this is worth watching from a cinephile's perspective, but Holocaust documentaries really begin and end with Shoah.

"Holler if ya hear me
Holler if ya see me
Holler if ya find me in the niiiiiight"

This is an Ouroboros of insufferability

That's kind of the great tragedy of the post-war era, isn't it? America bankrolled and trained all kinds of anti-colonial/nationalist partisans in Asia during WWII, with the eventual goal of supporting their bids for independence. Then, after the war, you have Charles de Gaulle basically holding French approval of the

Eh, yours is better, Sean.

I'm sorry but that's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard

No Cuntry for Old Men

But that moral tug-of-war between Shears and Nicholson is part of what makes The Bridge on the River Kwai so great. If you take Shears out of the action, the balance is ruined and the stakes are inherently lower. Just focusing on the construction of the bridge and then destroying it with no explanation or reason would

This this this

I thought the decision to cast black actors in the roles of Jack, Wendy, and Danny and a white actor in the role of Halloran was bold and unconventional.

True but I've never seen Happy Endings and that movie specifically defined my early adolescent perception of what made a woman attractive. Plus it has Olyphant being a violent psychopath.

I'm bracing myself for the downvotes but That's My Boy has its moments. I laughed very, very hard when the brother furiously asked, "Why wouldn't you just get another burrito, Todd?"

Remember how hot Elisha Cuthbert was in The Girl Next Door?

I'm really not a reggae fan in the least but Equal Rights is fantastic.

J'arrive Atlanta, teedle-um-teedle-um-teedle-ooh


Trust fund kids from LA love music! Avicii bro!

Let's be real, when has anything labeled or marketed as a "date movie" ever been good?

Upvoted for my boy Mr. Met