Tjardus Greidanus

Jabba's bitch is presumably Bib Fortuna?

Whoa really? That kind of . . . sucks.

INTO IT. My Name is My Name was really awesome.

"2 of Alderaanz Most Wanted"

What, Peter Venkmina wouldn't cut it as a girl's name?

Nope. Any good?

Singer is brilliant and "Gimpel the Fool" is one of my all-time favorite short stories.

Broke down and picked up the Hellboy library editions. I'm currently tearing through volume 2 and loving it. Someone here (forgot who) recommended B.P.R.D. a few months ago and I'm definitely going to be purchasing the Plague of Frogs omnibus soon.

Never seen the doc but Rescue Dawn has to be one of the most underrated movies of the 2000s. It belongs right at the top of the list of the best POW films, along with The Great Escape, The Bridge on the River Kwai, and Stalag 17.

"We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese!"

"The food co-op board's gonna have my ass!"

Last night, my friends and I got very drunk off a bottle of Glenfiddich and played Catan until 4 in the morning because they're all on vacation and I easily give in to peer pressure. I'm currently at work nursing a brutal hangover and regretting my decisions in life.

Is this a court-ordered decision?

Serious question: do e-cigs replicate the emphysemaful burn of a real cigarette? Because until that's the case, I'll continue to slowly kill myself, thank you very much.

Go back to Omaha

Woody Shaw - "New World"
Wu-Tang Clan - "Back in the Game"
Syd Barrett - "Terrapin"
Bob Dylan - "Obviously 5 Believers"
Dusty Springfield - "The Windmills of Your Mind"

Ben's Star Trek slash fic rates pretty highly for me.

I don't know what you mean, but it had the cadence of a joke.

But will there be human spirits triumphing?

Take that you limey cocksuckers! USA! USA! USA! USA!