Tjardus Greidanus

To be real, "Games Without Frontiers" was made to be covered by Arcade Fire. Very excited to listen to this album.

It sounds like you have a pretty good system! I've done that on a smaller scale, but honestly, the thought of parting with any of my books is fairly repellent, even the ones I have no intention of ever reading again.

Generally whatever catches my eye. Lots and lots of sci fi at the moment.

I wish the Spanish Flu had finished the job.

"I find the soothing pastoral images very conduc—"

Bite your tongue, you filthy beatnik.

Yeah I would but my office is right next to a Barnes & Noble and I walk right by a used book store and a comic book shop on my way home.

My resolution is to stop buying so many books. I'm physically incapable of entering a bookstore without leaving at least $20 poorer. It's getting to be a serious problem, both financially and geometrically, since all of my books are stacked up in my room like Walter White's block of money. I have more than I'll ever

American Gods?

Glad I own Talk Radio on DVD. Everyone watch this movie if you haven't seen it! Watch it now! Go home sick, you layabouts.

I get what you're saying but I don't really like the idea that certain moments in history are "sacred" for certain groups of people. I remember seeing similar arguments about Inglorious Basterds, but context is key, and if you approach that movie as a serious meditation on the Holocaust, rather than the hyper-violent,

I also watched Avatar for the first time. Absolutely fantastic show. I only wish Korra was as good.

Kid's going places, that's for sure!

This year, I read Henry Roth's 1934 novel Call it Sleep for the first time. I can't recommend this book enough to fans of modernist/Jewish fiction. It's a singularly unique take on the coming-of-age story, following a Jewish toddler on the Lower East Side as he navigates early childhood and is terrorized by his

So I saw this last night and while it is indeed awesome, I wouldn't say it's an instant classic.

Now the guy's got God as a partner. Any problems, he goes to God. Trouble with taxation? He can go to God. Trouble with the centurions, the Sanhedrin, Pontius Pilate, he can call God. But now the guy's gotta honor God every week, no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pray to me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pray to

Oh you mean Dowd's Syndrome?

The trailers for this movie just made it look like a giant circle jerk of great actors congratulating themselves for being such great actors.


This episode was so fucking stupid. Boilerplate South Park political commentary, an irritating character, and a completely moronic premise. C+ is way too generous, especially when you compare it to the rest of this amazing series.