Tjardus Greidanus

AMC First Look is a great way to learn about shows that you have no intention of ever watching.

There's so much to explore here. Personally, I'd like to see the development and execution of the "#TCOT" hashtag.

Good point!

The stones on this kid!

"Hi, we know you're an intern and we pay you minimum wage, but we need you to come in on the weekend and organize fifteen years' worth of contracts that the borderline retarded publisher misfiled. We can't pay you overtime, but that's okay because you're a sucker who will do anything if we dangle this hypothetical

I'm equally surprised to see Mary Poppins, Gilda, and The Magnificent Seven on that list

Magary is playing with fire here. One does not upset the House of Duck lest one wishes to find himself face down in a bayou feathered with crossbow quarrels.

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - "Rather Lovely Thing"
Neil Young - "War of Man"
Belle & Sebastian - "We Rule the School"
The Seatbelts - "Space Lion"
M83 - "Kim & Jessie"

You're thinking of Grandmaster Melle Mel, Grandmaster Flash didn't rap on "White Lines." Sugarhill put his name on the original release to mislead people into thinking he was featured, but he didn't have anything to do with it.

That sounds like an amazing spread! I wish you catered this dumb thing I had to go to a few weeks ago because the food was fucking garbage.


It's no Christmas Ape Goes to Summer Camp, that's for sure.

"Well, it's a trophy fish Dale, so . . . yeah! It's pretty big."

"Great song."
"It is!"

True but I think the episode that sold me on the show was "Sheesh! Cab, Bob?" in the first season. It's probably the first great Tina episode (complete with Jimmy Jr., of course) and I love the pally relationship that Bob develops with the transvestites.

Yes! Likewise, I never gave Bob's a chance until my girlfriend harangued me into watching it, and then It very quickly became one of my favorite shows on TV. The exact same thing happened with Gravity Falls too.

Teddy's story about the rat he saw in his toilet wearing a different hat on two separate occasions rates pretty highly for me.

Amazing avatar/comment synergy

How delightfully whimsical!

I like the Flaming Lips but this gimmicky bullshit needs to end.