Tjardus Greidanus

This theory has been proposed numerous times and has been applied to Sam Worthington and Gerard Butler, among others.

The pregnancy questions are AMAZING. They're all like "I just had anal sex with my boyfriend for the first time. He was wearing a condom and I'm on birth control. AM I PREGNANT?!?!"

I think the most important takeaway from this story is that, of all the things to plagiarize, Shia LaBeouf turned to Yahoo! Answers. Did he just search "how to apologize for plagiarism?"

I've been meaning to see Prince Avalanche and In a World for ages. Those two films are overflowing with actors I love.

I can't stand Bullock and the symbolism in the ending was a little too obvious and over-the-top for me, but it's still a fantastic movie.

Blue Jasmine was awesome. Definitely his best film since at least Match Point.

Oh, you English are SOOOO superior, aren't you? Well, would you like to know what you'd be without us, the good ol' U.S. of A. to protect you? I'll tell you: the smallest fucking province in the Russian Empire, that's what! If it wasn't for us, you'd all be speaking GERMAN! Singing "Deutschland, Deutschland über

Look fellas I don't want no trouble.

I don't have DirecTV, how do I watch Black Mirror without resorting to illegal means?


I'm excited to fast forward through the "coming attractions" and rewind the tape when I'm done.

Jesus Christ, Brody is such a fucking hack. How the hell are you going to put Old Boy and At Berkeley above 12 Years a Slave.

Look out, Peter Jackson!

I totally understand this criticism but I have to disagree. I think you're doomed to hate it if you go in thinking it's about garden-variety cinephilia and the malleable nature of art or whatever. The way it's set up, with these loony film geeks basically just rambling on for hours and hours about something they've

There's a script, too!

I first heard about Night Vale a few months ago and I was totally into it for about a week or so. I binge listened to every single one and loved them all, but to be honest, I think it got old very quickly, and I haven't listened to it at all since Jasika Nicole's appearance. There's way too much filler in between the

I once got an over-the-pants handjob seeing Doubt.


I know I do!