Tjardus Greidanus

Ah, "Rubber Bullets." What a fucking amazing song.

You say that like it's a bad thing

I wish she'd turn 18 already so I can stop feeling creepy.

Unreal. I'm particularly blown away by the details in the foliage.

"I am like getting the feeling of coming in a gym, I'm getting the feeling of coming at home, I'm getting the feeling of coming backstage when I pump up, when I pose in front of 5,000 people, I get the same feeling, so I am coming day and night. I mean, it's terrific. Right? So you know, I am in heaven."

I'm not so sure about that. Be sure to comment at least once per hour so we know you're not dead!

Yeah the first few episodes really didn't sell me on the series but holy hell am I glad I stuck with it.

Totally disagree. Her arc this season was gut-wrenching, and while it may not have had direct consequences on the main story (at least, not yet), I would argue that it was one of the best things Boardwalk ever did with her.

Especially because it's bullshit.

Jasika Nicole is fantastic on Fringe. One of my favorite moments of the entire series is when (SPOILER) the other, autistic Astrid visits our Astrid after her father dies in the alternate universe. Magnificent performance on a show that was chock full of them.

But his planet needed him!

Let's see:

What a fantastic and underrated movie

Yeah but he's basically playing a bloodthirsty psychopath. I guess that's my point.

How repulsively heteronormative of you

I'm sure this will be awesome because whenever I watch Game of Thrones the thought that's constantly going through my head is, "Boy, this would be so much better without the graphic violence, nudity, and language."


Del Toro would definitely kill an X-Men movie. I would also like to see way more mutants that are weird/terrifying-looking, not just mutants that are hated because of how awesome they are.

The real question is who would be the AV Club's Great Lakes Avengers?

Well, there's no Lobo franchise.