Tjardus Greidanus

Fucking mashups . . .

Ah, it's fun to dream . . .

Ha ha! The way those white women be loving frozen yogurt, it might as well be!

I wish these myriad Dark Reimaginings featured real monsters, not this handsome, brooding bullshit that's all over the CW these days. I would watch the shit out of a Beauty and the Beast adaptation if the Beast was, for example, Cthulhu.

I feel the same way about people who talk shit about Staten Island when most can't be bothered to actually go there.

Inside Lucius Aurelius

And yet, The Yiddish Policemen's Union remains unmade.

Wow really? I honestly thought Yuengling was a nationwide brand, it's so ubiquitous in NY.

I was born and currently live in New York and I agree with you. To be fair, the people that buy into that shit are all transplants that think they live in Girls.

A Tribe Called Quest - "Hot Sex"
TV on the Radio - "Blues from Down Here"
MRR-ADM - "12welve"
Bob Dylan - "Dear Landlord"
Stars - "Take Me to the Riot"

See, spending that much money on something that will disappear in a week is literally inconceivable to me.

As a Mets fan, this doesn't really mean anything to me. Either way, I'll still be suicidal come opening day.

This is great news for people who regularly spend upwards of $20 on bars of soap.

Oh I see now. Yeah, I don't know, that's a good question.

Does anyone want to switch seats?

I liked the first two episodes of that show but I never stuck with it. Did it stay good?

About as feasible as Christianity

I think a lot of the older loony History Channel conspiracy docs still attempted to maintain some semblance of historical scholarship, even if it was just interviewing crackpots and taking quotes way out of context. They've only recently started veering into outright lies.

To be fair, it's Kurtwood Smith that delivers that line, not Ironside.

And Pinkberry